
Washington State Ferry Line Cutting

WSP Media Release Cover

September 23, 2021

Edmonds – Line cutting is something that we all deal with in one form or another; sometimes on a regular basis.  The latter is the case at many of our Washington State Ferry Terminals and quite frankly: it is dangerous, inconsiderate and can lead to a $139 ticket.

RCW 46.61.735 reads in part “It is a traffic infraction for a driver of a motor vehicle intending to board a Washington state ferry, to: (a) Block a residential driveway while waiting to board the ferry; or (b) move in front of another vehicle in a queue already waiting to board the ferry, without the authorization of a state ferry system employee.”

When violated, this law can lead to dangerous circumstances.  It can mean delays for emergency vehicles getting to a business or residence along the ferry queue.  It leads to frustrated drivers and sometimes to aggressive behavior while in line.  Not to mention the possible $139 ticket that can be issued along with a trip to the back of the line.

Undoubtedly, the WSF system is a busy one.  Primarily during the summer and holidays, creating longer than normal wait times and a host of other concerns in the terminals’ respective communities.

Please be aware of signage leading up to and located at the WSF terminals in order to ensure you are following the correct boarding procedures at the various terminals.  Be mindful of the peak travel times and consider adjusting plans to take a vessel at an off-peak time.

The Washington State Patrol Homeland Security Division will continue to help protect our Washington State Ferry system through terrorism and crime prevention. The WSP will monitor and work to address line cutting and other violations in and around the various WSF terminals to ensure safe travel throughout the WSF system.
